acronym fullName
AASP Australian Antarctic Sciences Program
AATSR Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer
ABOM Australia Bureau of Meteorology
ACCLAIM Antarctic Circumpolar Currents Levels by Altimetry and Island Measurement
ACECRC Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre
ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
ADCIRC ADvanced CIRCulation
adcirc ADvanced CIRCulation
AFSC Alaska Fisheries Science Center
AI Agouron Institute
AIMS Australian Institute of Marine Science
AKRO Alaska Regional Office
ALACE Autonomous Lagrangian Circulation Explorer
AMIP Atmosphere Model Intercomparison Project
AMSR-2 Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on JAXA's GCOM-W1
AMSRE Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on EOS
AMSR-E Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on EOS
AMSR Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer
ANDAS Automated Near-real-time Data Acquiring System
ANT Antarctic Sciences
AOD Aerosol Optical Depth
AODC Australian Oceanographic Data Center
AOML Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory
AOOS Alaska Ocean Observing System
AOU Apparent Oxygen Utilization
APDRC Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center
ARC Arctic Sciences
ARGO Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography
AR3 Third Assessment Report
AR4 Fourth Assessment Report
AR5 Fifth Assessment Report
AR6 Sixth Assessment Report
ARL Air Resources Laboratory
ARRM Asynchronous Regional Regression Model
ARSLOE Atlantic Remote Sensing Land/Ocean Experiment
ARW Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model
ASCAT Advanced SCATterometer
ASMD Atlas of Surface Marine Data
ASTEP Astrobiology Science & Technology for Exploring Planets
ATDB Accession Tracking Data Base
ATES Alcatel Espace Systems
AVHRR Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer
AVISO Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Data in Oceanography
AVNIR Advanced Visible & Near-Infrared Radiometer
AWI Alfred Wegener Instituite for Polar and Marine Research
AWIPS Automated Weather Interactive Processing System
AXBT Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograph
BCO-DMO Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office
BIRS Biological Information Retrieval System
BODC British Oceanographic Data Centre
BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
BoM Bureau of Meteorology
BOM Bureau of Meteorology
C-DEBI Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations
CalCOFI California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
CAMMP Coastal and Marine Management Program
CAMS Climate Anomaly Monitoring System
CaRA Caribbean Regional Association
CariCOOS Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System
CARDEEP CARbon dioxide and DEEPwater formation
CARDS Comprehensive Aerological Reference Data Set
CASG California Sea Grant
CBMP Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program
CCMA Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment
CCRS Canadian Center for Remote Sensing
CCSP Climate Change Science Program
CDAS Climate Data Assimilation System
CDFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife
CDOM Colored Dissolved Organic Matter
CDRI Climate Data Research Institute
CEMES Centre d'Etudes de la Meteorologie Spatiale
CeNCOOS Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System
CEONet Canadian Earth Observation Network
CERSAT Centre ERS d'Archivage et de Traitment
CF Climate and Forecast
CFC ChloroFlouroCarbon
CGDI Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure
CHLA Chlorophyll-a
CIGAR Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean & Adjacent Regions
CIMAR Centro de Investigacao Marinha e Ambiental
CIMT Center for Integrated Marine Technology
CINECA Cooperative Investigations of the Northern part of the Eastern Central Atlantic
CIOSS Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies
CIRA Cooperative Institute for Research the Atmosphere
CIRES Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
CLASS Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System
CLIMAP Climate: Long-range Investigation Mapping and Prediction
CLIVAR Climate Variability and Predictability programme
CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites
C-MAN Coastal Marine Automated Networks
CMAN Coastal Marine Automated Networks
CMC Canadian Meteorological Centre
CMD Continuously Managed Database
CMIP Climate Model Intercomparison Project
CMIP4 Climate Model Intercomparison Project 4
CMIP5 Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5
CMIP6 Climate Model Intercomparison Project 6
CMOR Climate Model Output Rewriter
CNES Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales
CNMI Commonwealth of the Northen Mariana Islands
CNR National Research Council
COADS Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set
COADS1 Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set 1
COAP Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction
COAPS Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies
COAS College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences
COAWST Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport
COCMP Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program
CODAR Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar
CODAS Common Oceanographic Data Analysis System
COGOW Climatology of Global Ocean Winds
CONICYT National Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT), Chile
CONUS Contiguous United States
COOA Coastal Ocean Observing and Analysis
CPC Climate Prediction Center
CPO Climate Program Office
CPR Continuous Plankton Recorder
CRM Coastal Relief Model
CRMN Coral Reef Monitoring Network
CRU Climatic Research Unit
CRW Coral Reef Watch
CSCOR COP Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research Coastal Ocean Program
CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation
CTD Conductivity, Temperature, Depth
CWCGOM CoastWatch Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico
CW CoastWatch
DATARING Data Acquisition for Tidal Applications for the Remote Interrogation of Network Gauges
DCDB Data Center for Digital Bathymetry
DEB Division of Environmental Biology
DFO Department of Fisheries and Oceans
DOC Department of Commerce
DOD Department of Defense
DOE Department of Energy
DMI Danish Meteorological Institute
DMSP Defense Meteorological Satellite Program
DSTL Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
DWD Deutscher Wetterdienst
DORIS Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite
ECDA Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation
ECDC European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
ECMCA European Commission Marie Curie Actions Program
ECMWF European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
ECOMSED Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model with Sediment Transport
EGMEX Eastern Gulf of Mexico
ENSO El Nino - Southern Oscillation
ENVISAT ENVironmental SATellite
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
ERS European Remote Sensing Satellite
ESDIM Environmental Science Data and Information Management
ESPRESSO Experimental System for Predicting Shelf and Slope Optics
ESPreSSO Experimental System for Predicting Shelf and Slope Optics
Espresso Experimental System for Predicting Shelf and Slope Optics
ESRL Earth System Research Laboratory
EU European Union
EUMETSAT European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
EUREF European REference Frame
FAGS Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services
FLH Fluorescence Line Height
FCCC Framework Convention on Climate Change
FMRC Forecast Model Run Collection
FNMOC Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center
FOCI Fisheries-Oceanography Cooperative Investigations
FONACIT Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela
FP7-ENV-2010 European Commission Seventh Framework Program
FRST Foundation for Research, Science and Technology
FSM Free Surface Mask
FWS Fish & Wildlife Service
GAC Global Area Coverage
GADR Global Argo Data Repository
GAMSSA Global Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis
GARFO Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office
GCOS Global Climate Observing System
GCOOS Gulf of Mexico Coastal Observing System
GDAC Global Data Assembly Centres
GEOS Geodetic Satellite
GEOSAT GEodetic and Oceanographic SATellite
GES DAAC Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center
GEWEX Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment
GFDL Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory
GFO Geosat Follow-On
GHCN Global Historical Climatology Network
GHRSST Global High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
GISS Goddard Institute for Space Studies
GLCFS Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System
GLERL Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory
GLOBEC GLOBal Ocean ECosystems Dynamics
GLOSS-ALT Global Sea Level Observing System subset used for ALTimetry calibrations
GLOSS-LTT Global Sea Level Observing System subset used for Long Term Trends studies
GLOSS-OC Global Sea Level Observing System subset used for ongoing Ocean Circulation monitoring
GLOSS Global Sea Level Observing System
GLOS Great Lakes Observing System
GMS Geostationary Meteorology Satellite
GOCE Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer
GODAE Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment
GODAR Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue
GODAS Global Ocean Data Assimilation System
GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite
GOFS Global Ocean Flux Study
GoMOOS Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System
GOM Gulf of Mexico
GOOS Global Ocean Observing System
GOSAMOR Global Ocean SAlinity MonitORing
GOTS Global Ocean Temperature & Salinity
GPCC Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
GPCP Global Precipitation Climatology Project
GPI GOES Precipitation Index
GPS Global Positioning System
GRCTellus Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Tellus
GRACE Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment
GSFC Goddard Space Flight Center
GSHHS Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shorelines
GSMFC Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission
GTMBA Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array
GTOS Global Terrestrial Observing System
GTS Global Telecommunications System
GTSPP Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program
HAB Harmful Algal Bloom
HadISST Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature
HadISST1 Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature 1
HadISST1.1 Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature 1.1
HadISST1.2 Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature 1.2
HFRadar High Frequency Radar
HFR High Frequency Radar
HF High Frequency
HIRAM HIgh Resolution Atmospheric Model
HOTO Health Of The Oceans
HOTS Hawaiian Ocean Time Series
HRPT High Resolution Picture Transmission
HSSTD Historical Sea Surface Temperature Data project
HURL Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory
HYCOM HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model
IASNFS Intra-Americas Sea Nowcast/Forecast System
IATTC Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission
ICER Division of Integrative and Collaborative Education and Research
ICOADS International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set
ICRAN International Coral Reef Action Network
IFREMER Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer
IGBP International Geosphere Biosphere Programme
IGOS Integrated Global Observing Strategy
IGOSS Integrated Global Ocean Services System
IHB International Hydrographic Bureau
IHO International Hydrographic Organisation
ILP International Lithosphere Programme
IMI Irish Marine Institute
IMOS Integrated Marine Observing System
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organisation
INODC Indian National Oceanographic Data Center
INQUA International Union for Quaternary Research
INSAT Indian National Satellite
IOC Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
IODE International Oceanographic Data Exchange
IOCCG International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group
IOOS Integrated Ocean Observing System
IOS Division of Integrative Organismal Systems
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPRC International Pacific Research Center
IR InfraRed
ISAT International Science and Technology Fund
ISOS International Southern Ocean Studies
ITCZ InterTropical Convergence Zone
ITF Indonesian Through Flow
IWP Ice Water Path
JASL Joint Archive for Sea Level
JAXA Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
JCDAS JMA Climate Data Assimilation System
JCLI Journal of Climate
JCOMM Joint WMO/IOC technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology
JGOFS Joint Global Ocean Flux Study
JGR Journal of Geophysical Research
JISAO Joint Institue for the Study of Atmoshere and Ocean
JMA Japanese Meteorological Agency
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory
JPO Journal of Physical Oceanography
JRA Japanese Reanalysis
KAUST King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
KFM Kelp Forest Monitoring
LAC Local Area Coverage
LTM Long Term Mean
LWP Liquid Water Path
MAO Marine and Aviation Operations
MARACOOS Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System
MCB Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences
MCI Maximum Chlorophyll Index
MDNR Maine Department of Marine Resources
MEaSUREs Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments
MEDAR Mediterranean Data Archeology and Rescue
MEDS Marine Environmental Data Service
MERSEA Marine EnviRonment and Security for the European Area
METEOSAT Geostationary Meteorological Satellite
METOFFICE Meteorological Office
MHI Main Hawaiian Islands
MMRP Marine Mammal Research Program
MNSG Minnesota Sea Grant
MOBS Marine Optical Buoy System
MOBY MArine Optical BouY
MOCE Marine Optical Characterization Experiment
MOCNESS Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System
MODAS Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System
MODB Mediterranean Oceanic Data Base
MODISA Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on Aqua
MODIS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
MOHSST Meteorological Office Historical Sea Surface Temperature
MOODS Master Oceanographic Observations Data Set
MOP Meteosat Operational Programme
MOPITT Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere
MPA Marine Protected Area
MPSOC Multi-Purpose Stellite Operations Center
MSAS Marine Spill Analysis System
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
MSFCMA Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act
MSG Meteosat Second Generation
MSL Mean Sea Level
MSR Microwave Scanning Radiometer
MSS MultiSpectral Scanner
MSTF Marine Science and Technology Foundation
MSU Microwave Sounding Unit
MTPE Mission to Planet Earth
MUR Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution
NAAPS Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System
NABE North Atlantic Bloom Experiment
NAMDI National Marine Data Inventory
NANOOS Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems
NAM North Americal Model
NAO North Atlantic Oscillation
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administratio
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
NAVGEM Navy Global Environmental Model
NAVOCEANO Naval Oceanographic Office
NAVO Naval Oceanography
NCAR National Center for Atmospheric Research
NCCCS Northern California Coastal Circulation Study
NCCOS National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science
NCDC National Climatic Data Center
NCDDC National Coastal Data Development Center
NCDS NASA Climate Data System
NCEI National Centers for Environmental Information
NCEP National Centers for Environmental Prediction
NCODA Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation
NCOM Navy Coastal Ocean Model
NCRI National Coral Reef Institute
NCRIS National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy
NDBC National Data Buoy Center
NDBO National Data Buoy Office
NDMC National Drought Mitigation Center
NDSI Normalized Difference Snow Index
NDVI Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
NEC NorthEast Consortium
NECC North Equatorial CounterCurrent
NEFSC NorthEast Fisheries Science Center
NEGOA NorthEast Gulf of Alaska
NEP North East Pacific
NERACOOS Northeastern Regional Association Ocean Observing Systems
NERC Natural Environment Research Council
NERRS National Estuarine Reserve Research System
NESDIS National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service
NetCDF Network Common Data Format
NEXRAD NEXt Generation Weather RADar
NGDC National Geophysical Data Center
NGWLMS Next Generation Water Level Measurement System
NHC National Hurricane Center
NIEHS National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
NIH National Institutes of Health
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NIWA National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research
NJSOS New Jersey Shelf Observing System
NMAO NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations
NMC National Meteorological Center
NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service
NMS National Marine Sanctuaries
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NODC National Oceanographic Data Center
NOGAPS Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System
NOMAD Navy Oceanographic Meteorological Automatic Device
NOP National Oceanic Program
NOPP National Ocean Partnership Program
NOS National Ocean Service
NPOESS National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System
NPOES National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite
NPP National Polar-orbiting Partnership
NPS Naval Postgraduate School
NRL Naval Research Laboratory
NROSS Navy Remote Oceanographic Sensing System
NRT Near Real Time
NSDI National Spatial Data Infrastructure
NSF National Science Foundation
NTF National Tidal Facility
NSERC National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
NSIDC National Snow and Ice Data Center
NSP Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning
NSSDAC NOAA Shipboard Sensor Data Acquisition
NSSDC National Space Science Data Center
NSSL National Severe Storms Laboratory
NSTS Nearshore Sediment Transport Study
NTON National Tide Observation Network
NTU Nephelometric Turbidity Units
NWS National Weather Service
NVI Normalized Vegetation Index
NVODS National Virtual Ocean Data System
NWFSC Northwest Fisheries Science Center
NYHOPS New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System
OAR Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
OBIS Ocean Biogeographic Information System
OBPG Ocean Biology Processing Group
Obs4MIPs Observations for Model Intercomparisons
obs4MIPs Observations for Model Intercomparisons
OCB Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program
OCDD Ocean Current Drifter Data
OCE Division of Ocean Sciences
OCL Ocean Climate Laboratory
OCMP Ocean-Coastal Management Program
OCRM Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
OCTS Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner
ODP Ocean Drilling Program
ODV Ocean Data View
OEP Ocean Exploration Program
OGCM Oceanic General Circulation Model
OHC Office of Habitat Conservation
OIA Office of International Affairs
OISE Office of International Science and Engineering
OISST Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature
OI Optimum Interpolation
OLR Outgoing Longwave Radiation
ONR Office of Naval Research
OOPC Ocean Observation Panel for Climate
OOSDP Ocean Observing System Development Panel
OPDB Oceanographic Profile DataBase
OPR Office of Protected Resources
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
OSDPD Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution
OSF Office of Sustainable Fisheries
OSI SAF Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility
OSISAF Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility
OSI Ocean and Sea Ice
OSMC Observing System Monitoring Center
OSO Office of Satellite Operations
OSPO Office of Satellite and Product Operations
OST Office of Science and Technology
OSTI Office of Science and Technology Infrastructure
OSTIA Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis
OSU Oregon State University
OWG Open Working Group
PACHAB Pacific Region Harmful Algal Blooom
PacIOOS Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System
PAR Photosynthetically Available Radiation
PCMDI Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison
PDO Pacific Decadal Oscillation
PDSI Palmer Drought Severity Index
PEQUOD Pacific Equatorial Ocean Dynamics
PFEG Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group
PFEL Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory
PFRP Pelagic Fisheries Research Program
PHOD Physical Oceanography Division
PhOD Physical Oceanography Division
PIFSC Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center
PIRATA Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic
PIRO Pacific Islands Regional Office
PLR Division of Polar Programs
PMEL Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
PODAAC Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center
PODG Physical Ocean Data Group
POES Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite
POL Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
POM Princeton Ocean Model
POMSS Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite System
POO Platforms of Opportunity
PORTS Physical Oceanographic Real-Time Systems
PSD Physical Sciences Division
PSS Practical Salinity Scale
PSMSL Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level
PSU Practical Salinity Unit
PTWC Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
RAMA Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction
RAMSSA Regional Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis
RDAC Regional Data Assembly Centres
REMSS Remote Sensing Systems
RF Radio Frequency
ROMS Regional Ocean Modeling System
Roms Regional Ocean Modeling System
ROV Remotely Operated Vessel
RQDS Research Quality Data Set
RSL Relative Sea Level
RSMAS Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science
RTOFS Real-Time Ocean Forecast System
SAFT Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique
SAIC Science Applications International Corporation
SAL Satellite Altimetry Laboratory
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SCAR Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
scPDSI Self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index
SCS South China Sea
SCUD Surface CUrrents from a Diagnostic model
SCCOOS Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System
SCOR Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research
SEAMAP Southeast Area Monitoring & Assessment Program
SeaWiFS Sea-Wide Field-of-View Sensor
SECOORA Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association
SEFSC Southeast Fisheries Science Center
SERO Southeast Regional Office
SEVIRI Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager
SFERPM South Florida Ecosystem Restoration, Prediction, and Modeling Program
SFSU San Francisco State University
SIO Scripps Institution of Oceanography
SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar
SLOSH Sea, Lake & Overland Surge from Hurricanes
SLP Sea Level Pressure
SLR Satellite Laser Ranging
SMI Standard Mapped Image
SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation
SODA Simple Ocean Data Assimilation
SOEST School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology
SOFAR Sound Fixing and Ranging
SOI Schmidt Ocean Institute
SOLO Sounding Oceanographic Lagrangian Observer
SOSLC Southern Ocean Sea Level Centre
SPCZ South Pacific Convergence Zone
SPURS Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study
SQU Sultan Qaboos University
SSES Single Sensor Error Statistics
SSFC Severe Storms Forecast Center
SSH Sea Surface Height
SSP Sub-Surface Pressure
SST Sea Surface Temperature
SSTA Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly
SSTOP Sea Surface Topography
STD Salinity-Temperature-Depth profiler
STWS Storm Tide Warning Service
SWAN Simulating WAves Nearshore model
SWFSC Southwest Fisheries Science Center
SWH Significant Wave Height
TAO Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean
TGBM Tide Gauge Bench Mark
TIROS Television Infrared Observation Satellite
TMI TRMM Microwave Imager
TOGA Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere
TOPEX Topography Experiment
TOVS TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder
TRMM Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission
TUD Technische Universiteit Delft
UCAR University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
UCONN University of Connecticut
UCSD University of California, San Deigo
UH University of Hawaii
UHF Ultra High Frequency
UHSLC University of Hawaii Sea Level Center
UKMO United Kingdom Meteorology Office
UMe University of Maine
UNCED United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
UNOLS University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System
US United States
USCRN United States Climate Reference Network
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USDOC United States Department of Commerce
USDOD United States Department of Defense
USDOE United States Department of Energy
USF University of South Florida
USFWS United States Fish & Wildlife Service
USGS United States Geological Survey
USHCN United States Historical Climatological Network
USTEC United States Total Electron Content
USWC United States West Coast
UUC Unmanned Underwater Vehicle
UV UltraViolet
VHF Very High Frequency
VHRR Very High Resolution Radiometer
VI Vegetation Index
VIRR Visible and Infrared Radiometer
VIRS Visible InfraRed Scanner
VIRSR Visible InfraRed Scanning Radiometer
WCN West Coast Node
WCRN West Coast Regional Node
WCRO West Coast Regional Office
WMC World Meteorological Center
WOD World Ocean Database
WRF Weather Research and Forecasting Model
VIIRSN Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite/Suomi-NPP
VIIRS-N Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite/Suomi-NPP
VIIRS Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite
VOS Voluntary Observing Ships
VLBI Very Long Baseline Interferometry
VPR Video Plankton Recorder
WCRP World Climate Research Programme
WDC World Data Centre
WEPOCS Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean Circulation Study
WESTRAX Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment
WFO Weather Forecast Office
WHOI Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
WMO World Meteorological Organisation
WOA05 World Ocean Atlas 2005
WOA09 World Ocean Atlas 2009
WOA13 World Ocean Atlas 2013
WOA17 World Ocean Atlas 2017
WOA World Ocean Atlas
WOCE World Ocean Circulation Experiment
WOD World Ocean Database
WPO West Pacific Oscillation
WRCC Western Regional Climate Center
WRRC Water Resources Research Center
XBT Expendible Bathythermograph
XCTD eXpendable Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler
X-SAR X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar
YOTO Year Of The Ocean
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<table class="erd commonBGColor nowrap">
<td>Australian Antarctic Sciences Program</td>
<td>Advanced Along Track Scanning Radiometer</td>
<td>Australia Bureau of Meteorology</td>
<td>Antarctic Circumpolar Currents Levels by Altimetry and Island Measurement</td>
<td>Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre</td>
<td>Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler</td>
<td>ADvanced CIRCulation</td>
<td>ADvanced CIRCulation</td>
<td>Alaska Fisheries Science Center</td>
<td>Agouron Institute</td>
<td>Australian Institute of Marine Science</td>
<td>Alaska Regional Office</td>
<td>Autonomous Lagrangian Circulation Explorer</td>
<td>Atmosphere Model Intercomparison Project</td>
<td>Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on JAXA's GCOM-W1</td>
<td>Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on EOS</td>
<td>Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer on EOS</td>
<td>Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer</td>
<td>Automated Near-real-time Data Acquiring System</td>
<td>Antarctic Sciences</td>
<td>Aerosol Optical Depth</td>
<td>Australian Oceanographic Data Center</td>
<td>Atlantic Oceanographic & Meteorological Laboratory</td>
<td>Alaska Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Apparent Oxygen Utilization</td>
<td>Asia-Pacific Data-Research Center</td>
<td>Arctic Sciences</td>
<td>Array for Real-time Geostrophic Oceanography</td>
<td>Third Assessment Report</td>
<td>Fourth Assessment Report</td>
<td>Fifth Assessment Report</td>
<td>Sixth Assessment Report</td>
<td>Air Resources Laboratory</td>
<td>Asynchronous Regional Regression Model</td>
<td>Atlantic Remote Sensing Land/Ocean Experiment</td>
<td>Advanced Research Weather Research and Forecasting Model</td>
<td>Advanced SCATterometer</td>
<td>Atlas of Surface Marine Data</td>
<td>Astrobiology Science & Technology for Exploring Planets</td>
<td>Accession Tracking Data Base</td>
<td>Alcatel Espace Systems</td>
<td>Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer</td>
<td>Archiving, Validation and Interpretation of Satellite Data in Oceanography</td>
<td>Advanced Visible & Near-Infrared Radiometer</td>
<td>Alfred Wegener Instituite for Polar and Marine Research</td>
<td>Automated Weather Interactive Processing System</td>
<td>Airborne eXpendable BathyThermograph</td>
<td>Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office</td>
<td>Biological Information Retrieval System</td>
<td>British Oceanographic Data Centre</td>
<td>Bureau of Ocean Energy Management</td>
<td>Bureau of Meteorology</td>
<td>Bureau of Meteorology</td>
<td>Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations</td>
<td>California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations</td>
<td>Coastal and Marine Management Program</td>
<td>Climate Anomaly Monitoring System</td>
<td>Caribbean Regional Association</td>
<td>Caribbean Coastal Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>CARbon dioxide and DEEPwater formation</td>
<td>Comprehensive Aerological Reference Data Set</td>
<td>California Sea Grant</td>
<td>Chesapeake Bay Monitoring Program</td>
<td>Center for Coastal Monitoring and Assessment</td>
<td>Canadian Center for Remote Sensing</td>
<td>Climate Change Science Program</td>
<td>Climate Data Assimilation System</td>
<td>California Department of Fish and Wildlife</td>
<td>Colored Dissolved Organic Matter</td>
<td>Climate Data Research Institute</td>
<td>Centre d'Etudes de la Meteorologie Spatiale</td>
<td>Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Canadian Earth Observation Network</td>
<td>Centre ERS d'Archivage et de Traitment</td>
<td>Climate and Forecast</td>
<td>Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure</td>
<td>Cooperative Investigations of the Caribbean & Adjacent Regions</td>
<td>Centro de Investigacao Marinha e Ambiental</td>
<td>Center for Integrated Marine Technology</td>
<td>Cooperative Investigations of the Northern part of the Eastern Central Atlantic</td>
<td>Cooperative Institute for Oceanographic Satellite Studies</td>
<td>Cooperative Institute for Research the Atmosphere</td>
<td>Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences</td>
<td>Comprehensive Large Array-data Stewardship System</td>
<td>Climate: Long-range Investigation Mapping and Prediction</td>
<td>Climate Variability and Predictability programme</td>
<td>Collecte Localisation Satellites</td>
<td>Coastal Marine Automated Networks</td>
<td>Coastal Marine Automated Networks</td>
<td>Canadian Meteorological Centre</td>
<td>Continuously Managed Database</td>
<td>Climate Model Intercomparison Project</td>
<td>Climate Model Intercomparison Project 4</td>
<td>Climate Model Intercomparison Project 5</td>
<td>Climate Model Intercomparison Project 6</td>
<td>Climate Model Output Rewriter</td>
<td>Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales</td>
<td>Commonwealth of the Northen Mariana Islands</td>
<td>National Research Council</td>
<td>Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set</td>
<td>Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set 1</td>
<td>Center for Ocean Analysis and Prediction</td>
<td>Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies</td>
<td>College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences</td>
<td>Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport</td>
<td>Coastal Ocean Currents Monitoring Program</td>
<td>Coastal Ocean Dynamics Applications Radar</td>
<td>Common Oceanographic Data Analysis System</td>
<td>Climatology of Global Ocean Winds</td>
<td>National Commission for Science and Technology (CONICYT), Chile</td>
<td>Contiguous United States</td>
<td>Coastal Ocean Observing and Analysis</td>
<td>Climate Prediction Center</td>
<td>Climate Program Office</td>
<td>Continuous Plankton Recorder</td>
<td>Coastal Relief Model</td>
<td>Coral Reef Monitoring Network</td>
<td>Climatic Research Unit</td>
<td>Coral Reef Watch</td>
<td>CSCOR COP</td>
<td>Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research Coastal Ocean Program</td>
<td>Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation</td>
<td>Conductivity, Temperature, Depth</td>
<td>CoastWatch Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico</td>
<td>Data Acquisition for Tidal Applications for the Remote Interrogation of Network Gauges</td>
<td>Data Center for Digital Bathymetry</td>
<td>Division of Environmental Biology</td>
<td>Department of Fisheries and Oceans</td>
<td>Department of Commerce</td>
<td>Department of Defense</td>
<td>Department of Energy</td>
<td>Danish Meteorological Institute</td>
<td>Defense Meteorological Satellite Program</td>
<td>Defence Science and Technology Laboratory</td>
<td>Deutscher Wetterdienst</td>
<td>Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning Integrated by Satellite</td>
<td>Ensemble Coupled Data Assimilation</td>
<td>European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control</td>
<td>European Commission Marie Curie Actions Program</td>
<td>European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts</td>
<td>Estuarine and Coastal Ocean Model with Sediment Transport</td>
<td>Eastern Gulf of Mexico</td>
<td>El Nino - Southern Oscillation</td>
<td>ENVironmental SATellite</td>
<td>Environmental Protection Agency</td>
<td>European Remote Sensing Satellite</td>
<td>Environmental Science Data and Information Management</td>
<td>Experimental System for Predicting Shelf and Slope Optics</td>
<td>Experimental System for Predicting Shelf and Slope Optics</td>
<td>Experimental System for Predicting Shelf and Slope Optics</td>
<td>Earth System Research Laboratory</td>
<td>European Union</td>
<td>European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites</td>
<td>European REference Frame</td>
<td>Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services</td>
<td>Fluorescence Line Height</td>
<td>Framework Convention on Climate Change</td>
<td>Forecast Model Run Collection</td>
<td>Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center</td>
<td>Fisheries-Oceanography Cooperative Investigations</td>
<td>Fondo Nacional de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación of Venezuela</td>
<td>European Commission Seventh Framework Program</td>
<td>Foundation for Research, Science and Technology</td>
<td>Free Surface Mask</td>
<td>Fish & Wildlife Service</td>
<td>Global Area Coverage</td>
<td>Global Argo Data Repository</td>
<td>Global Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis</td>
<td>Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office</td>
<td>Global Climate Observing System</td>
<td>Gulf of Mexico Coastal Observing System</td>
<td>Global Data Assembly Centres</td>
<td>Geodetic Satellite</td>
<td>GEodetic and Oceanographic SATellite</td>
<td>GES DAAC</td>
<td>Goddard Earth Sciences Distributed Active Archive Center</td>
<td>Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment</td>
<td>Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory</td>
<td>Geosat Follow-On</td>
<td>Global Historical Climatology Network</td>
<td>Global High-Resolution Sea Surface Temperature</td>
<td>Goddard Institute for Space Studies</td>
<td>Great Lakes Coastal Forecasting System</td>
<td>Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory</td>
<td>GLOBal Ocean ECosystems Dynamics</td>
<td>Global Sea Level Observing System subset used for ALTimetry calibrations</td>
<td>Global Sea Level Observing System subset used for Long Term Trends studies</td>
<td>Global Sea Level Observing System subset used for ongoing Ocean Circulation monitoring</td>
<td>Global Sea Level Observing System</td>
<td>Great Lakes Observing System</td>
<td>Geostationary Meteorology Satellite</td>
<td>Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer</td>
<td>Global Ocean Data Assimilation Experiment</td>
<td>Global Oceanographic Data Archaeology and Rescue</td>
<td>Global Ocean Data Assimilation System</td>
<td>Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite</td>
<td>Global Ocean Flux Study</td>
<td>Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Gulf of Mexico</td>
<td>Global Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Global Ocean SAlinity MonitORing</td>
<td>Global Ocean Temperature & Salinity</td>
<td>Global Precipitation Climatology Centre</td>
<td>Global Precipitation Climatology Project</td>
<td>GOES Precipitation Index</td>
<td>Global Positioning System</td>
<td>Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment Tellus</td>
<td>Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment</td>
<td>Goddard Space Flight Center</td>
<td>Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Shorelines</td>
<td>Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission</td>
<td>Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array</td>
<td>Global Terrestrial Observing System</td>
<td>Global Telecommunications System</td>
<td>Global Temperature-Salinity Profile Program</td>
<td>Harmful Algal Bloom</td>
<td>Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature</td>
<td>Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature 1</td>
<td>Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature 1.1</td>
<td>Hadley Centre Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature 1.2</td>
<td>High Frequency Radar</td>
<td>High Frequency Radar</td>
<td>High Frequency</td>
<td>HIgh Resolution Atmospheric Model</td>
<td>Health Of The Oceans</td>
<td>Hawaiian Ocean Time Series</td>
<td>High Resolution Picture Transmission</td>
<td>Historical Sea Surface Temperature Data project</td>
<td>Hawai'i Undersea Research Laboratory</td>
<td>HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model</td>
<td>Intra-Americas Sea Nowcast/Forecast System</td>
<td>Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission</td>
<td>Division of Integrative and Collaborative Education and Research</td>
<td>International Comprehensive Ocean Atmosphere Data Set</td>
<td>International Coral Reef Action Network</td>
<td>Institut Francais de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer</td>
<td>International Geosphere Biosphere Programme</td>
<td>Integrated Global Observing Strategy</td>
<td>Integrated Global Ocean Services System</td>
<td>International Hydrographic Bureau</td>
<td>International Hydrographic Organisation</td>
<td>International Lithosphere Programme</td>
<td>Irish Marine Institute</td>
<td>Integrated Marine Observing System</td>
<td>International Maritime Satellite Organisation</td>
<td>Indian National Oceanographic Data Center</td>
<td>International Union for Quaternary Research</td>
<td>Indian National Satellite</td>
<td>Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission</td>
<td>International Oceanographic Data Exchange</td>
<td>International Ocean Colour Coordinating Group</td>
<td>Integrated Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Division of Integrative Organismal Systems</td>
<td>Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change</td>
<td>International Pacific Research Center</td>
<td>International Science and Technology Fund</td>
<td>International Southern Ocean Studies</td>
<td>InterTropical Convergence Zone</td>
<td>Indonesian Through Flow</td>
<td>Ice Water Path</td>
<td>Joint Archive for Sea Level</td>
<td>Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency</td>
<td>JMA Climate Data Assimilation System</td>
<td>Journal of Climate</td>
<td>Joint WMO/IOC technical Commission for Oceanography and Marine Meteorology</td>
<td>Joint Global Ocean Flux Study</td>
<td>Journal of Geophysical Research</td>
<td>Joint Institue for the Study of Atmoshere and Ocean</td>
<td>Japanese Meteorological Agency</td>
<td>Jet Propulsion Laboratory</td>
<td>Journal of Physical Oceanography</td>
<td>Japanese Reanalysis</td>
<td>King Abdullah University of Science and Technology</td>
<td>Kelp Forest Monitoring</td>
<td>Local Area Coverage</td>
<td>Long Term Mean</td>
<td>Liquid Water Path</td>
<td>Marine and Aviation Operations</td>
<td>Mid-Atlantic Regional Association Coastal Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences</td>
<td>Maximum Chlorophyll Index</td>
<td>Maine Department of Marine Resources</td>
<td>Making Earth System Data Records for Use in Research Environments</td>
<td>Mediterranean Data Archeology and Rescue</td>
<td>Marine Environmental Data Service</td>
<td>Marine EnviRonment and Security for the European Area</td>
<td>Geostationary Meteorological Satellite</td>
<td>Meteorological Office</td>
<td>Main Hawaiian Islands</td>
<td>Marine Mammal Research Program</td>
<td>Minnesota Sea Grant</td>
<td>Marine Optical Buoy System</td>
<td>MArine Optical BouY</td>
<td>Marine Optical Characterization Experiment</td>
<td>Multiple Opening/Closing Net & Environmental Sensing System</td>
<td>Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System</td>
<td>Mediterranean Oceanic Data Base</td>
<td>Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on Aqua</td>
<td>Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer</td>
<td>Meteorological Office Historical Sea Surface Temperature</td>
<td>Master Oceanographic Observations Data Set</td>
<td>Meteosat Operational Programme</td>
<td>Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere</td>
<td>Marine Protected Area</td>
<td>Multi-Purpose Stellite Operations Center</td>
<td>Marine Spill Analysis System</td>
<td>Marshall Space Flight Center</td>
<td>Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act</td>
<td>Meteosat Second Generation</td>
<td>Mean Sea Level</td>
<td>Microwave Scanning Radiometer</td>
<td>MultiSpectral Scanner</td>
<td>Marine Science and Technology Foundation</td>
<td>Microwave Sounding Unit</td>
<td>Mission to Planet Earth</td>
<td>Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution</td>
<td>Navy Aerosol Analysis and Prediction System</td>
<td>North Atlantic Bloom Experiment</td>
<td>National Marine Data Inventory</td>
<td>Northwest Association of Networked Ocean Observing Systems</td>
<td>North Americal Model</td>
<td>North Atlantic Oscillation</td>
<td>National Aeronautics and Space Administratio</td>
<td>North Atlantic Treaty Organisation</td>
<td>Navy Global Environmental Model</td>
<td>Naval Oceanographic Office</td>
<td>Naval Oceanography</td>
<td>National Center for Atmospheric Research</td>
<td>Northern California Coastal Circulation Study</td>
<td>National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science</td>
<td>National Climatic Data Center</td>
<td>National Coastal Data Development Center</td>
<td>NASA Climate Data System</td>
<td>National Centers for Environmental Information</td>
<td>National Centers for Environmental Prediction</td>
<td>Navy Coupled Ocean Data Assimilation</td>
<td>Navy Coastal Ocean Model</td>
<td>National Coral Reef Institute</td>
<td>National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy</td>
<td>National Data Buoy Center</td>
<td>National Data Buoy Office</td>
<td>National Drought Mitigation Center</td>
<td>Normalized Difference Snow Index</td>
<td>Normalized Difference Vegetation Index</td>
<td>NorthEast Consortium</td>
<td>North Equatorial CounterCurrent</td>
<td>NorthEast Fisheries Science Center</td>
<td>NorthEast Gulf of Alaska</td>
<td>North East Pacific</td>
<td>Northeastern Regional Association Ocean Observing Systems</td>
<td>Natural Environment Research Council</td>
<td>National Estuarine Reserve Research System</td>
<td>National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service</td>
<td>Network Common Data Format</td>
<td>NEXt Generation Weather RADar</td>
<td>National Geophysical Data Center</td>
<td>Next Generation Water Level Measurement System</td>
<td>National Hurricane Center</td>
<td>National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences</td>
<td>National Institutes of Health</td>
<td>National Institute of Standards and Technology</td>
<td>National Institute for Water and Atmospheric Research</td>
<td>New Jersey Shelf Observing System</td>
<td>NOAA Marine and Aviation Operations</td>
<td>National Meteorological Center</td>
<td>National Marine Fisheries Service</td>
<td>National Marine Sanctuaries</td>
<td>National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration</td>
<td>National Oceanographic Data Center</td>
<td>Navy Operational Global Atmospheric Prediction System</td>
<td>Navy Oceanographic Meteorological Automatic Device</td>
<td>National Oceanic Program</td>
<td>National Ocean Partnership Program</td>
<td>National Ocean Service</td>
<td>National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System</td>
<td>National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite</td>
<td>National Polar-orbiting Partnership</td>
<td>Naval Postgraduate School</td>
<td>Naval Research Laboratory</td>
<td>Navy Remote Oceanographic Sensing System</td>
<td>Near Real Time</td>
<td>National Spatial Data Infrastructure</td>
<td>National Science Foundation</td>
<td>National Tidal Facility</td>
<td>National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada</td>
<td>National Snow and Ice Data Center</td>
<td>Neurotoxic Shellfish Poisoning</td>
<td>NOAA Shipboard Sensor Data Acquisition</td>
<td>National Space Science Data Center</td>
<td>National Severe Storms Laboratory</td>
<td>Nearshore Sediment Transport Study</td>
<td>National Tide Observation Network</td>
<td>Nephelometric Turbidity Units</td>
<td>National Weather Service</td>
<td>Normalized Vegetation Index</td>
<td>National Virtual Ocean Data System</td>
<td>Northwest Fisheries Science Center</td>
<td>New York Harbor Observing and Prediction System</td>
<td>Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research</td>
<td>Ocean Biogeographic Information System</td>
<td>Ocean Biology Processing Group</td>
<td>Observations for Model Intercomparisons</td>
<td>Observations for Model Intercomparisons</td>
<td>Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program</td>
<td>Ocean Current Drifter Data</td>
<td>Division of Ocean Sciences</td>
<td>Ocean Climate Laboratory</td>
<td>Ocean-Coastal Management Program</td>
<td>Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management</td>
<td>Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner</td>
<td>Ocean Drilling Program</td>
<td>Ocean Data View</td>
<td>Ocean Exploration Program</td>
<td>Oceanic General Circulation Model</td>
<td>Office of Habitat Conservation</td>
<td>Office of International Affairs</td>
<td>Office of International Science and Engineering</td>
<td>Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature</td>
<td>Optimum Interpolation</td>
<td>Outgoing Longwave Radiation</td>
<td>Office of Naval Research</td>
<td>Ocean Observation Panel for Climate</td>
<td>Ocean Observing System Development Panel</td>
<td>Oceanographic Profile DataBase</td>
<td>Office of Protected Resources</td>
<td>Oak Ridge National Laboratory</td>
<td>Office of Satellite Data Processing and Distribution</td>
<td>Office of Sustainable Fisheries</td>
<td>OSI SAF</td>
<td>Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility</td>
<td>Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility</td>
<td>Ocean and Sea Ice</td>
<td>Observing System Monitoring Center</td>
<td>Office of Satellite Operations</td>
<td>Office of Satellite and Product Operations</td>
<td>Office of Science and Technology</td>
<td>Office of Science and Technology Infrastructure</td>
<td>Operational Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Analysis</td>
<td>Oregon State University</td>
<td>Open Working Group</td>
<td>Pacific Region Harmful Algal Blooom</td>
<td>Pacific Islands Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Photosynthetically Available Radiation</td>
<td>Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison</td>
<td>Pacific Decadal Oscillation</td>
<td>Palmer Drought Severity Index</td>
<td>Pacific Equatorial Ocean Dynamics</td>
<td>Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group</td>
<td>Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory</td>
<td>Pelagic Fisheries Research Program</td>
<td>Physical Oceanography Division</td>
<td>Physical Oceanography Division</td>
<td>Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center</td>
<td>Pilot Research Moored Array in the Tropical Atlantic</td>
<td>Pacific Islands Regional Office</td>
<td>Division of Polar Programs</td>
<td>Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory</td>
<td>Physical Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center</td>
<td>Physical Ocean Data Group</td>
<td>Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite</td>
<td>Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory</td>
<td>Princeton Ocean Model</td>
<td>Polar Orbiting Meteorological Satellite System</td>
<td>Platforms of Opportunity</td>
<td>Physical Oceanographic Real-Time Systems</td>
<td>Physical Sciences Division</td>
<td>Practical Salinity Scale</td>
<td>Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level</td>
<td>Practical Salinity Unit</td>
<td>Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre</td>
<td>Quality Assurance</td>
<td>Quality Control</td>
<td>Research Moored Array for African-Asian-Australian Monsoon Analysis and Prediction</td>
<td>Regional Australian Multi-Sensor SST Analysis</td>
<td>Regional Data Assembly Centres</td>
<td>Remote Sensing Systems</td>
<td>Radio Frequency</td>
<td>Regional Ocean Modeling System</td>
<td>Regional Ocean Modeling System</td>
<td>Remotely Operated Vessel</td>
<td>Research Quality Data Set</td>
<td>Relative Sea Level</td>
<td>Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science</td>
<td>Real-Time Ocean Forecast System</td>
<td>Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique</td>
<td>Science Applications International Corporation</td>
<td>Satellite Altimetry Laboratory</td>
<td>Synthetic Aperture Radar</td>
<td>Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research</td>
<td>Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research</td>
<td>Self-calibrated Palmer Drought Severity Index</td>
<td>South China Sea</td>
<td>Surface CUrrents from a Diagnostic model</td>
<td>Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System</td>
<td>Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research</td>
<td>Southeast Area Monitoring & Assessment Program</td>
<td>Sea-Wide Field-of-View Sensor</td>
<td>Southeast Coastal Ocean Observing Regional Association</td>
<td>Southeast Fisheries Science Center</td>
<td>Southeast Regional Office</td>
<td>Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager</td>
<td>South Florida Ecosystem Restoration, Prediction, and Modeling Program</td>
<td>San Francisco State University</td>
<td>Scripps Institution of Oceanography</td>
<td>Side-Looking Airborne Radar</td>
<td>Sea, Lake & Overland Surge from Hurricanes</td>
<td>Sea Level Pressure</td>
<td>Satellite Laser Ranging</td>
<td>Standard Mapped Image</td>
<td>Swiss National Science Foundation</td>
<td>Simple Ocean Data Assimilation</td>
<td>School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology</td>
<td>Sound Fixing and Ranging</td>
<td>Schmidt Ocean Institute</td>
<td>Sounding Oceanographic Lagrangian Observer</td>
<td>Southern Ocean Sea Level Centre</td>
<td>South Pacific Convergence Zone</td>
<td>Salinity Processes in the Upper Ocean Regional Study</td>
<td>Sultan Qaboos University</td>
<td>Single Sensor Error Statistics</td>
<td>Severe Storms Forecast Center</td>
<td>Sea Surface Height</td>
<td>Sub-Surface Pressure</td>
<td>Sea Surface Temperature</td>
<td>Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly</td>
<td>Sea Surface Topography</td>
<td>Salinity-Temperature-Depth profiler</td>
<td>Storm Tide Warning Service</td>
<td>Simulating WAves Nearshore model</td>
<td>Southwest Fisheries Science Center</td>
<td>Significant Wave Height</td>
<td>Tropical Atmosphere/Ocean</td>
<td>Tide Gauge Bench Mark</td>
<td>Television Infrared Observation Satellite</td>
<td>TRMM Microwave Imager</td>
<td>Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere</td>
<td>Topography Experiment</td>
<td>TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder</td>
<td>TOPEX/POSEIDON Follow-On</td>
<td>Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission</td>
<td>Technische Universiteit Delft</td>
<td>University Corporation for Atmospheric Research</td>
<td>University of Connecticut</td>
<td>University of California, San Deigo</td>
<td>University of Hawaii</td>
<td>Ultra High Frequency</td>
<td>University of Hawaii Sea Level Center</td>
<td>United Kingdom Meteorology Office</td>
<td>University of Maine</td>
<td>United Nations Conference on Environment and Development</td>
<td>United Nations Development Programme</td>
<td>United Nations Environment Programme</td>
<td>United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation</td>
<td>University-National Oceanographic Laboratory System</td>
<td>United States</td>
<td>United States Climate Reference Network</td>
<td>United States Department of Agriculture</td>
<td>United States Department of Commerce</td>
<td>United States Department of Defense</td>
<td>United States Department of Energy</td>
<td>University of South Florida</td>
<td>United States Fish & Wildlife Service</td>
<td>United States Geological Survey</td>
<td>United States Historical Climatological Network</td>
<td>United States Total Electron Content</td>
<td>United States West Coast</td>
<td>Unmanned Underwater Vehicle</td>
<td>Very High Frequency</td>
<td>Very High Resolution Radiometer</td>
<td>Vegetation Index</td>
<td>Visible and Infrared Radiometer</td>
<td>Visible InfraRed Scanner</td>
<td>Visible InfraRed Scanning Radiometer</td>
<td>West Coast Node</td>
<td>West Coast Regional Node</td>
<td>West Coast Regional Office</td>
<td>World Meteorological Center</td>
<td>World Ocean Database</td>
<td>Weather Research and Forecasting Model</td>
<td>Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite/Suomi-NPP</td>
<td>Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite/Suomi-NPP</td>
<td>Visible and Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite</td>
<td>Voluntary Observing Ships</td>
<td>Very Long Baseline Interferometry</td>
<td>Video Plankton Recorder</td>
<td>World Climate Research Programme</td>
<td>World Data Centre</td>
<td>Western Equatorial Pacific Ocean Circulation Study</td>
<td>Western Tropical Atlantic Experiment</td>
<td>Weather Forecast Office</td>
<td>Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution</td>
<td>World Meteorological Organisation</td>
<td>World Ocean Atlas 2005</td>
<td>World Ocean Atlas 2009</td>
<td>World Ocean Atlas 2013</td>
<td>World Ocean Atlas 2017</td>
<td>World Ocean Atlas</td>
<td>World Ocean Circulation Experiment</td>
<td>World Ocean Database</td>
<td>West Pacific Oscillation</td>
<td>Western Regional Climate Center</td>
<td>Water Resources Research Center</td>
<td>Expendible Bathythermograph</td>
<td>eXpendable Conductivity-Temperature-Depth profiler</td>
<td>X-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar</td>
<td>Year Of The Ocean</td>